Tuesday, March 24, 2009


The migration of people across the globe is based on a simple premise....Stay and starve. Very motivating if you are trying to feed your family, better your quality of life, or flee from oppressive conditions. The host country for migrant populations both benefit from the availability of a new labor force as well as face the challenges of assimilating that culture into the exisiting culture. Read the Perfect Storm monograph on Immigration and give us your opinion.

Food and Water Insecurities

The global population is expected to exceed 9 billion by 2050. The food and water supply for the population is already limited, contaminated, and is unequally distributed to meet the population needs of the 6 billion inhabitants. The question becomes how will meet the need....new technology...better conservation of current resources....higher pollution standards. What is your view?

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Perfect Storm!?

The Perfect Storm describes a number of economic, demographic, and technological changes that are having an impact on our lives. What are the sources of your Perfect Storm? Jan