Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Perfect Storm!?

The Perfect Storm describes a number of economic, demographic, and technological changes that are having an impact on our lives. What are the sources of your Perfect Storm? Jan


  1. What a fascinating series!

  2. Fascinating indeed - I've become a huge fan of Jan's numbers! The complexity of all the related issues can become overwhelming sometimes. Or perhaps we don't all need to understand all of them at once, just choose the one's most relevant to our work and our personal passions and see if we can make a difference. I am particularly concerned about the competing needs of different generations and different enthic groups mentioned in the most recent slides. How do we make good public policy when some groups naturally have more "enfranchisement" than others?

    I hear there is talk of reviving the "Best Thinking" Forums - I would love to see that happen too.
